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Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Few / a few, little / a little digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah atau kuantitas yang kecil atau sedikit.


Few / a few  digunakan untuk Countable Noun (Kata Benda yang dapat dihitung)

Little / a little digunakan untuk Uncountable Noun (Kata Benda yang tak dapat dihitung)

Few  vs A few

Few / a few digunakan oleh untuk Countable Noun (Kata Benda yang dapat dihitung) untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang sedikit.

A few adalah lebih dari few.

A few bermakna positif

Few bermakna negatif

Kita menggunakan a few dan few + plural countable noun (Kt. Benda Jamak)


few pencils a few pencils

few envelopes a few envelopes

few people a few people

A few bermakna positif


  • Joe is happy. He is having a few buyers today.

(Joe bahagia meski sedikit masih ada pembeli yang datang)

Few bermakna negatif


  • Joe is sad. He is having few buyers today.

(Joe sedih karena hampir tidak ada pembeli yang datang)

Little vs A little

Little / a little digunakan oleh untuk Uncountable Noun (Kata Benda yang tak dapat dihitung) untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang sedikit.

A little adalah lebih dari little.

A little bermakna positif

Little bermakna negatif

Kita menggunakan a little dan little + Uncountable noun.



little water a little water

little money a little money

little sugar a little sugar

A little bermakna positif


  • Joe is happy. He is having a little water in the bottle.

(Joe bahagia karena masih ada sedikit air dalam botol sehingga dia masih bisa minum untuk pelepas dahaga)

Little bermakna negatif


  • Joe is sad. He is having little water in the bottle.

(Joe sedih karena hampir tidak ada  air dalam botol sehingga dia tidak bisa minum untuk pelepas dahaga)

Setelah mempelajari rangkuman diatas, cobalah latihan berikut. Selamat berlatih. Jangan lupa tulislah kalimat dengan lengkap dan garis bawah jawaban kalian.

Yuuuk berlatih!

  1.  I don’t like a lot of sugar on my drink. I add ________ sugar to my drink.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

  1. Every day Daniel goes to his mailbox, but it is usually empty. He gets _______ mail.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

  1. I think you look so thirsty. Let me give you _________ water.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

  1. Liz likes sweet coffee. She usually adds _________ honey to her coffee.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

  1. My parents don’t like something sweet, so they add _____________ milk to their coffee.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

  1. I have to go to post office because I have __________ letters to mail.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

  1. The teacher teaches very clearly. So, ________ students had questions at the end of the class.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

  1. I am hungry, so I eat_________ soup.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

  1. There are  ___________ apples in the refrigerator. So, I can still give it to my friend.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

  1. Because the family is very poor, the children have ___________ clothes.

  • a few

  • few

  • a little

  • little

Happy Learning

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